168 lines
5.8 KiB
168 lines
5.8 KiB
import random
import gettext
import os
class Voice:
def __init__(self, lang):
localedir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'locale')
translation = gettext.translation(
'voice', localedir,
self._ = translation.gettext
def default(self):
return self._('ZzzzZZzzzzZzzz')
def on_starting(self):
return random.choice([
self._('Hi, I\'m Pwnagotchi! Starting ...'),
self._('New day, new hunt, new pwns!'),
self._('Hack the Planet!')])
def on_ai_ready(self):
return random.choice([
self._('AI ready.'),
self._('The neural network is ready.')])
def on_keys_generation(self):
return random.choice([
self._('Generating keys, do not turn off ...')])
def on_normal(self):
return random.choice([
def on_free_channel(self, channel):
return self._('Hey, channel {channel} is free! Your AP will say thanks.').format(channel=channel)
def on_bored(self):
return random.choice([
self._('I\'m bored ...'),
self._('Let\'s go for a walk!')])
def on_motivated(self, reward):
return self._('This is the best day of my life!')
def on_demotivated(self, reward):
return self._('Shitty day :/')
def on_sad(self):
return random.choice([
self._('I\'m extremely bored ...'),
self._('I\'m very sad ...'),
self._('I\'m sad'),
def on_excited(self):
return random.choice([
self._('I\'m living the life!'),
self._('I pwn therefore I am.'),
self._('So many networks!!!'),
self._('I\'m having so much fun!'),
self._('My crime is that of curiosity ...')])
def on_new_peer(self, peer):
return random.choice([
self._('Hello {name}! Nice to meet you. {name}').format(name=peer.name()),
self._('Unit {name} is nearby! {name}').format(name=peer.name())])
def on_lost_peer(self, peer):
return random.choice([
self._('Uhm ... goodbye {name}').format(name=peer.name()),
self._('{name} is gone ...').format(name=peer.name())])
def on_miss(self, who):
return random.choice([
self._('Whoops ... {name} is gone.').format(name=who),
self._('{name} missed!').format(name=who),
def on_lonely(self):
return random.choice([
self._('Nobody wants to play with me ...'),
self._('I feel so alone ...'),
self._('Where\'s everybody?!')])
def on_napping(self, secs):
return random.choice([
self._('Napping for {secs}s ...').format(secs=secs),
self._('ZzzZzzz ({secs}s)').format(secs=secs)])
def on_shutdown(self):
return random.choice([
self._('Good night.'),
def on_awakening(self):
return random.choice(['...', '!'])
def on_waiting(self, secs):
return random.choice([
self._('Waiting for {secs}s ...').format(secs=secs),
self._('Looking around ({secs}s)').format(secs=secs)])
def on_assoc(self, ap):
ssid, bssid = ap['hostname'], ap['mac']
what = ssid if ssid != '' and ssid != '<hidden>' else bssid
return random.choice([
self._('Hey {what} let\'s be friends!').format(what=what),
self._('Associating to {what}').format(what=what),
self._('Yo {what}!').format(what=what)])
def on_deauth(self, sta):
return random.choice([
self._('Just decided that {mac} needs no WiFi!').format(mac=sta['mac']),
self._('Deauthenticating {mac}').format(mac=sta['mac']),
self._('Kickbanning {mac}!').format(mac=sta['mac'])])
def on_handshakes(self, new_shakes):
s = 's' if new_shakes > 1 else ''
return self._('Cool, we got {num} new handshake{plural}!').format(num=new_shakes, plural=s)
def on_rebooting(self):
return self._("Ops, something went wrong ... Rebooting ...")
def on_last_session_data(self, last_session):
status = self._('Kicked {num} stations\n').format(num=last_session.deauthed)
status += self._('Made {num} new friends\n').format(num=last_session.associated)
status += self._('Got {num} handshakes\n').format(num=last_session.handshakes)
if last_session.peers == 1:
status += self._('Met 1 peer')
elif last_session.peers > 0:
status += self._('Met {num} peers').format(num=last_session.peers)
return status
def on_last_session_tweet(self, last_session):
return self._(
'I\'ve been pwning for {duration} and kicked {deauthed} clients! I\'ve also met {associated} new friends and ate {handshakes} handshakes! #pwnagotchi #pwnlog #pwnlife #hacktheplanet #skynet').format(
def hhmmss(self, count, fmt):
if count > 1:
# plural
if fmt == "h":
return self._("hours")
if fmt == "m":
return self._("minutes")
if fmt == "s":
return self._("seconds")
# sing
if fmt == "h":
return self._("hour")
if fmt == "m":
return self._("minute")
if fmt == "s":
return self._("second")
return fmt