#!/bin/sh usage() { echo "Usage: restore.sh [-bhnu] [-h] [-b backup name] [-n host name] [-u user name]" } while getopts "hb:n:u:" arg; do case $arg in b) BACKUP=$OPTARG ;; h) usage exit ;; n) UNIT_HOSTNAME=$OPTARG ;; u) UNIT_USERNAME=$OPTARG ;; *) exit 1 esac done # name of the ethernet gadget interface on the host UNIT_HOSTNAME=${UNIT_HOSTNAME:-} # output backup tgz file if [ -z $BACKUP ]; then BACKUP=$(ls -rt ${UNIT_HOSTNAME}-backup-*.tgz 2>/dev/null | tail -n1) if [ -z $BACKUP ]; then echo "@ Can't find backup file. Please specify one with '-b'" exit 1 fi echo "@ Found backup file:" echo "\t${BACKUP}" echo -n "@ continue restroring this file? (y/n) " read CONTINUE CONTINUE=$(echo "${CONTINUE}" | tr "[:upper:]" "[:lower:]") if [ "${CONTINUE}" != "y" ]; then exit 1 fi fi # username to use for ssh UNIT_USERNAME=${UNIT_USERNAME:-pi} ping -c 1 "${UNIT_HOSTNAME}" > /dev/null 2>&1 || { echo "@ unit ${UNIT_HOSTNAME} can't be reached, make sure it's connected and a static IP assigned to the USB interface." exit 1 } echo "@ restoring $BACKUP to $UNIT_HOSTNAME ..." cat ${BACKUP} | ssh "${UNIT_USERNAME}@${UNIT_HOSTNAME}" "sudo tar xzv -C /"