# Pwnagotchi Pwnagotchi is an "AI" that learns from the WiFi environment and instruments bettercap in order to maximize the WPA key material (any form of handshake that is crackable) captured. Specifically, it's using an [LSTM with MLP feature extractor](https://stable-baselines.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/policies.html#stable_baselines.common.policies.MlpLstmPolicy) as its policy network for the [A2C agent](https://stable-baselines.readthedocs.io/en/master/modules/a2c.html). Here is [a very good intro](https://hackernoon.com/intuitive-rl-intro-to-advantage-actor-critic-a2c-4ff545978752) on the subject. Instead of playing [Super Mario or Atari games](https://becominghuman.ai/getting-mario-back-into-the-gym-setting-up-super-mario-bros-in-openais-gym-8e39a96c1e41?gi=c4b66c3d5ced), pwnagotchi will tune over time [its own parameters](https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi/blob/master/sdcard/rootfs/root/pwnagotchi/config.yml#L54), effectively learning. Several states and states transitions are configurable and represented on the display as different expressions and sentences. ## Documentation **THIS IS STILL ALPHA STAGE SOFTWARE, IF YOU DECIDE TO TRY TO USE IT, YOU ARE ON YOUR OWN, NO SUPPORT WILL BE PROVIDED, NEITHER FOR INSTALLATION OR FOR BUGS** ## License `pwnagotchi` is made with ♥ by [@evilsocket](https://twitter.com/evilsocket) and it's released under the GPL3 license.