### UI The UI is available either via display if installed, or via http://pwnagotchi.local:8080/ if you connect to the unit via `usb0` and set a static address on the network interface (change `pwnagotchi` with the hostname of your unit). ![ui](https://i.imgur.com/XgIrcur.png) * **CH**: Current channel the unit is operating on or `*` when hopping on all channels. * **APS**: Number of access points on the current channel and total visible access points. * **UP**: Time since the unit has been activated. * **PWND**: Number of handshakes captured in this session and number of unique networks we own at least one handshake of, from the beginning. * **AUTO**: This indicates that the algorithm is running with AI disabled (or still loading), it disappears once the AI dependencies have been bootrapped and the neural network loaded. ### BetterCAP's Web UI Moreover, given that the unit is running bettercap with API and Web UI, you'll be able to use the unit as a WiFi penetration testing portable station by accessing `http://pwnagotchi.local/`. ![webui](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bettercap/media/master/ui-events.png) ### Update your Pwnagotchi You can use the `scripts/update_pwnagotchi.sh` script to update to the most recent version of pwnagotchi. ```shell usage: ./update_pwnagitchi.sh [OPTIONS] Options: -v # Version to update to, can be a branch or commit. (default: master) -u # Url to clone from. (default: https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi) -m # Mode to restart to. (Supported: auto manual; default: auto) -b # Backup the current pwnagotchi config. -r # Restore the current pwnagotchi config. -b will be enabled. -h # Shows this help. Shows this help. ``` ### Backup your Pwnagotchi You can use the `scripts/backup.sh` script to backup the important files of your unit. ```shell usage: ./scripts/backup.sh HOSTNAME backup.zip ``` ### Random Info - **On a rpi0w, it'll take approximately 30 minutes to load the AI**. - `/var/log/pwnagotchi.log` is your friend. - if connected to a laptop via usb data port, with internet connectivity shared, magic things will happen. - checkout the `ui.video` section of the `config.yml` - if you don't want to use a display, you can connect to it with the browser and a cable. - If you get `[FAILED] Failed to start Remount Root and Kernel File Systems.` while booting pwnagotchi, make sure the `PARTUUID`s for `rootfs` and `boot` partitions are the same in `/etc/fstab`. Use `sudo blkid` to find those values when you are using `create_sibling.sh`.