--- - hosts: - become: yes vars: pwnagotchi: hostname: "{{ lookup('env', 'PWN_HOSTNAME') | default('pwnagotchi', true) }}" version: "{{ lookup('env', 'PWN_VERSION') | default('master', true) }}" system: boot_options: - "dtoverlay=dwc2" - "dtoverlay=spi1-3cs" - "dtparam=spi=on" - "dtparam=i2c_arm=on" - "dtparam=i2c1=on" modules: - "i2c-dev" services: enable: - dphys-swapfile.service - pwnagotchi.service - bettercap.service - pwngrid-peer.service - epd-fuse.service disable: - apt-daily.timer - apt-daily.service - apt-daily-upgrade.timer - apt-daily-upgrade.service - wpa_supplicant.service - bluetooth.service - triggerhappy.service - ifup@wlan0.service packages: bettercap: url: "https://github.com/bettercap/bettercap/releases/download/v2.26/bettercap_linux_armhf_v2.26.zip" ui: "https://github.com/bettercap/ui/releases/download/v1.3.0/ui.zip" pwngrid: url: "https://github.com/evilsocket/pwngrid/releases/download/v1.10.1/pwngrid_linux_armhf_v1.10.1.zip" apt: hold: - firmware-atheros - firmware-brcm80211 - firmware-libertas - firmware-misc-nonfree - firmware-realtek remove: - rasberrypi-net-mods - dhcpcd5 - triggerhappy - wpa_supplicant - nfs-common install: - vim - screen - golang - git - build-essential - python3-pip - python3-mpi4py - python3-smbus - unzip - gawk - libopenmpi-dev - libatlas-base-dev - libjasper-dev - libqtgui4 - libqt4-test - libopenjp2-7 - libtiff5 - tcpdump - lsof - libilmbase23 - libopenexr23 - libgstreamer1.0-0 - libavcodec58 - libavformat58 - libswscale5 - libpcap-dev - libusb-1.0-0-dev - libnetfilter-queue-dev - libopenmpi3 - dphys-swapfile - kalipi-kernel - kalipi-bootloader - kalipi-re4son-firmware - kalipi-kernel-headers - libraspberrypi0 - libraspberrypi-dev - libraspberrypi-doc - libraspberrypi-bin - fonts-dejavu - fonts-dejavu-core - fonts-dejavu-extra - python3-pil - python3-smbus - libfuse-dev - bc - fonts-freefont-ttf - fbi tasks: - name: change hostname hostname: name: "{{pwnagotchi.hostname}}" when: lookup('file', '/etc/hostname') == "raspberrypi" register: hostname - name: add hostname to /etc/hosts lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts regexp: '^127\.0\.1\.1[ \t]+raspberrypi' line: "\t{{pwnagotchi.hostname}}" state: present when: hostname.changed - name: disable sap plugin for bluetooth.service lineinfile: dest: /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service regexp: '^ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd$' line: 'ExecStart=/usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd --noplugin=sap' state: present - name: Add re4son-kernel repo key apt_key: url: https://re4son-kernel.com/keys/http/archive-key.asc state: present - name: Add re4son-kernel repository apt_repository: repo: deb http://http.re4son-kernel.com/re4son/ kali-pi main state: present - name: add firmware packages to hold dpkg_selections: name: "{{ item }}" selection: hold with_items: "{{ packages.apt.hold }}" - name: update apt package cache apt: update_cache: yes - name: remove unecessary apt packages apt: name: "{{ packages.apt.remove }}" state: absent purge: yes - name: upgrade apt distro apt: upgrade: dist - name: install packages apt: name: "{{ packages.apt.install }}" state: present - name: configure dphys-swapfile file: path: /etc/dphys-swapfile content: "CONF_SWAPSIZE=1024" - name: clone papirus repository git: repo: https://github.com/repaper/gratis.git dest: /usr/local/src/gratis register: gratisgit - name: build papirus service make: chdir: /usr/local/src/gratis target: rpi params: EPD_IO: epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION: 'V231_G2' when: gratisgit.changed - name: install papirus service make: chdir: /usr/local/src/gratis target: rpi-install params: EPD_IO: epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION: 'V231_G2' when: gratisgit.changed - name: configure papirus display size lineinfile: dest: /etc/default/epd-fuse regexp: "#EPD_SIZE=2.0" line: "EPD_SIZE=2.0" - name: collect python pip package list command: "pip3 list" register: pip_output - name: set python pip package facts set_fact: pip_packages: > {{ pip_packages | default({}) | combine( { item.split()[0]: item.split()[1] } ) }} with_items: "{{ pip_output.stdout_lines }}" - name: acquire python3 pip target command: "python3 -c 'import sys;print(sys.path.pop())'" register: pip_target - name: clone pwnagotchi repository git: repo: https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi.git dest: /usr/local/src/pwnagotchi register: pwnagotchigit - name: fetch pwnagotchi version set_fact: pwnagotchi_version: "{{ lookup('file', '/usr/local/src/pwnagotchi/pwnagotchi/__init__.py') | replace('\n', ' ') | regex_replace('.*version.*=.*''([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)''.*', '\\1') }}" - name: pwnagotchi version found debug: msg: "{{ pwnagotchi_version }}" - name: build pwnagotchi wheel command: "python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel" args: chdir: /usr/local/src/pwnagotchi when: (pwnagotchigit.changed) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] != pwnagotchi.version) - name: install opencv-python pip: name: "https://www.piwheels.hostedpi.com/simple/opencv-python/opencv_python-" extra_args: "--no-deps --no-cache-dir --platform=linux_armv6l --only-binary=:all: --target={{ pip_target.stdout }}" when: (pip_packages['opencv-python'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['opencv-python'] != '') - name: install tensorflow pip: name: "https://www.piwheels.hostedpi.com/simple/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.13.1-cp37-none-linux_armv6l.whl" extra_args: "--no-deps --no-cache-dir --platform=linux_armv6l --only-binary=:all: --target={{ pip_target.stdout }}" when: (pip_packages['tensorflow'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['tensorflow'] != '1.13.1') - name: install pwnagotchi wheel and dependencies pip: name: "{{ lookup('fileglob', '/usr/local/src/pwnagotchi/dist/pwnagotchi*.whl') }}" extra_args: "--no-cache-dir" when: (pwnagotchigit.changed) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] != pwnagotchi.version) - name: download and install pwngrid unarchive: src: "{{ packages.pwngrid.url }}" dest: /usr/bin remote_src: yes mode: 0755 - name: download and install bettercap unarchive: src: "{{ packages.bettercap.url }}" dest: /usr/bin remote_src: yes exclude: - README.md - LICENSE.md mode: 0755 - name: clone bettercap caplets git: repo: https://github.com/bettercap/caplets.git dest: /tmp/caplets register: capletsgit - name: install bettercap caplets make: chdir: /tmp/caplets target: install when: capletsgit.changed - name: download and install bettercap ui unarchive: src: "{{ packages.bettercap.ui }}" dest: /usr/local/share/bettercap/ remote_src: yes mode: 0755 - name: create bootblink script copy: dest: /usr/bin/bootblink mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash for i in $(seq 1 "$1"); do echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness sleep 0.3 echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness sleep 0.3 done echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness sleep 0.3 - name: create pwnagotchi-launcher script copy: dest: /usr/bin/pwnagotchi-launcher mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash # blink 10 times to signal ready state /usr/bin/bootblink 10 & # start a detached screen session with bettercap if [[ $(ifconfig | grep usb0 | grep RUNNING) ]] || [[ $(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier) ]]; then # if override file exists, go into auto mode if [ -f /root/.pwnagotchi-auto ]; then rm /root/.pwnagotchi-auto /usr/local/bin/pwnagotchi else /usr/local/bin/pwnagotchi --manual fi else /usr/local/bin/pwnagotchi fi - name: create bettercap-launcher script copy: dest: /usr/bin/bettercap-launcher mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash /usr/bin/monstart if [[ $(ifconfig | grep usb0 | grep RUNNING) ]] || [[ $(cat /sys/class/net/eth0/carrier) ]]; then # if override file exists, go into auto mode if [ -f /root/.pwnagotchi-auto ]; then /usr/bin/bettercap -no-colors -caplet pwnagotchi-auto -iface mon0 else /usr/bin/bettercap -no-colors -caplet pwnagotchi-manual -iface mon0 fi else /usr/bin/bettercap -no-colors -caplet pwnagotchi-auto -iface mon0 fi - name: create monstart script copy: dest: /usr/bin/monstart mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor && ifconfig mon0 up - name: create monstop script copy: dest: /usr/bin/monstop mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash ifconfig mon0 down && iw dev mon0 del - name: create hdmion script copy: dest: /usr/bin/hdmion mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash sudo /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -p - name: create hdmioff script copy: dest: /usr/bin/hdmioff mode: 0755 content: | #!/usr/bin/env bash sudo /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o - name: add HDMI powersave to rc.local blockinfile: path: /etc/rc.local insertbefore: "exit 0" block: | if ! /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -s | grep HDMI; then /opt/vc/bin/tvservice -o fi - name: create /etc/pwnagotchi folder file: path: /etc/pwnagotchi state: directory - name: check if user configuration exists stat: path: /etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml register: user_config - name: create /etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml copy: dest: /etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml content: | # Add your configuration overrides on this file any configuration changes done to default.yml will be lost! # Example: # # ui: # display: # type: 'inkyphat' # color: 'black' # when: not user_config.stat.exists - name: configure lo interface copy: dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/lo-cfg content: | auto lo iface lo inet loopback - name: configure wlan interface copy: dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/wlan0-cfg content: | allow-hotplug wlan0 iface wlan0 inet static - name: configure usb interface copy: dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/usb0-cfg content: | allow-hotplug usb0 iface usb0 inet static address netmask network broadcast gateway - name: configure eth0 interface (pi2/3/4) copy: dest: /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0-cfg content: | allow-hotplug eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp - name: enable ssh on boot file: path: /boot/ssh state: touch - name: adjust /boot/config.txt lineinfile: dest: /boot/config.txt insertafter: EOF line: '{{ item }}' with_items: "{{system.boot_options}}" - name: adjust /etc/modules lineinfile: dest: /etc/modules insertafter: EOF line: '{{ item }}' with_items: "{{system.modules}}" - name: change root partition replace: dest: /boot/cmdline.txt backup: no regexp: "root=PARTUUID=[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+" replace: "root=/dev/mmcblk0p2" - name: configure /boot/cmdline.txt lineinfile: path: /boot/cmdline.txt backrefs: True state: present backup: no regexp: '(.*)$' line: '\1 modules-load=dwc2,g_ether' - name: configure motd copy: dest: /etc/motd content: | (◕‿‿◕) {{pwnagotchi.hostname}} (pwnagotchi-{{pwnagotchi.version}}) Hi! I'm a pwnagotchi, please take good care of me! Here are some basic things you need to know to raise me properly! If you want to change my configuration, use /etc/pwnagotchi/config.yml All the configuration options can be found on /etc/pwnagotchi/default.yml, but don't change this file because I will recreate it every time I'm restarted! I'm managed by systemd. Here are some basic commands. If you want to know what I'm doing, you can check my logs with the command journalctl -fu pwnagotchi If you want to know if I'm running, you can use systemctl status pwnagotchi You can restart me using systemctl restart pwnagotchi But be aware I will go into MANUAL mode when restarted! You can put me back into AUTO mode using touch /root/.pwnagotchi-auto && systemctl restart pwnagotchi You learn more about me at https://pwnagotchi.ai/ when: hostname.changed - name: clean apt cache apt: autoclean: yes - name: remove dependencies that are no longer required apt: autoremove: yes - name: add pwngrid-peer service to systemd copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/pwngrid-peer.service content: | [Unit] Description=pwngrid peer service. Documentation=https://pwnagotchi.ai Wants=network.target [Service] Type=simple PermissionsStartOnly=true ExecStart=/usr/bin/pwngrid -keys /etc/pwnagotchi -address -client-token /root/.api-enrollment.json -wait -log /var/log/pwngrid-peer.log -iface mon0 Restart=always RestartSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target notify: - reload systemd services - name: add bettercap service to systemd copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/bettercap.service content: | [Unit] Description=bettercap api.rest service. Documentation=https://bettercap.org Wants=network.target After=pwngrid.service [Service] Type=simple PermissionsStartOnly=true ExecStart=/usr/bin/bettercap-launcher Restart=always RestartSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target notify: - reload systemd services - name: add pwnagotchi service to systemd copy: dest: /etc/systemd/system/pwnagotchi.service content: | [Unit] Description=pwnagotchi Deep Reinforcement Learning instrumenting bettercap for WiFI pwning. Documentation=https://pwnagotchi.ai Wants=network.target After=bettercap.service [Service] Type=simple PermissionsStartOnly=true ExecStart=/usr/bin/pwnagotchi-launcher Restart=always RestartSec=30 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target notify: - reload systemd services - name: enable services systemd: name: "{{ item }}" state: started enabled: yes with_items: "{{ services.enable }}" - name: disable unecessary services systemd: name: "{{ item }}" state: stopped enabled: no with_items: "{{ services.disable }}" - name: remove ssh keys file: state: absent path: "{{item}}" with_fileglob: - "/etc/ssh/ssh_host*_key*" handlers: - name: reload systemd services systemd: daemon_reload: yes