Merge pull request #338 from spees/master
refactored memtemp so it actually works
This commit is contained in:
@ -70,8 +70,9 @@ main:
netmask: 24
interval: 1 # check every x minutes for device
share_internet: false
memtemp: # Display memory usage and cpu temperature on screen
memtemp: # Display memory usage, cpu load and cpu temperature on screen
enabled: false
orientation: horizontal # horizontal/vertical
# monitor interface to use
iface: mon0
# command to run to bring the mon interface up in case it's not up already
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# tempmem shows memory infos and cpu temperature
# memtemp shows memory infos and cpu temperature
# totalmem usedmem freemem cputemp
# mem usage, cpu load, cpu temp
@ -10,71 +10,54 @@
# - removed the label so we wont waste screen space
# - Updated version to 1.0.1
# 20-10-2019 by spees <>
# - Refactored to use the already existing functions
# - Now only shows memory usage in percentage
# - Added CPU load
# - Added horizontal and vertical orientation
__author__ = ''
__version__ = '1.0.1'
__name__ = 'memtemp'
__license__ = 'GPL3'
__description__ = 'A plugin that will add a memory and temperature indicator'
__description__ = 'A plugin that will display memory/cpu usage and temperature'
import struct
from pwnagotchi.ui.components import LabeledValue
from pwnagotchi.ui.view import BLACK
import pwnagotchi.ui.fonts as fonts
import pwnagotchi
import subprocess
import logging
import time
class MEMTEMP:
# set the minimum seconds before refresh the values
refresh_wait = 30
refresh_ts_last = time.time() - refresh_wait
def __init__(self):
# only import when the module is loaded and enabled
import os
def get_temp(self):
temp = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').readlines()[0].split('=')[1].replace("\n", '').replace("'","")
return 't:' + temp
return 't:-'
# cpu:37.4C
def get_mem_info(self):
# includes RAM + Swap Memory:
# total, used, free = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:])
# without Swap, only real memory:
total, used, free = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-3].split()[1:4])
return "\nT:"+str(total)+"M U:"+str(used)+"M\nF:"+str(free)+"M"
return "\nT:- U:-\nF:- "
# tm:532 um:82 fm:353
memtemp = None
OPTIONS = dict()
def on_loaded():
global memtemp
memtemp = MEMTEMP()
||||"memtemp plugin loaded.")
def mem_usage():
return int(pwnagotchi.mem_usage() * 100)
def cpu_load():
return int(pwnagotchi.cpu_load() * 100)
def on_ui_setup(ui):
ui.add_element('memtemp', LabeledValue(color=BLACK, label='', value='\nT:- U:-\nF:- -', position=(ui.width() / 2 + 17, ui.height() / 2),
label_font=fonts.Bold, text_font=fonts.Medium))
if OPTIONS['orientation'] == "horizontal":
ui.add_element('memtemp', LabeledValue(color=BLACK, label='', value='mem cpu temp\n - - -', position=(ui.width() / 2 + 30, ui.height() /2 + 15),
label_font=fonts.Small, text_font=fonts.Small))
elif OPTIONS['orientation'] == "vertical":
ui.add_element('memtemp', LabeledValue(color=BLACK, label='', value=' mem:-\n cpu:-\ntemp:-', position=(ui.width() / 2 + 55, ui.height() /2),
label_font=fonts.Small, text_font=fonts.Small))
def on_ui_update(ui):
if time.time() > memtemp.refresh_ts_last + memtemp.refresh_wait:
ui.set('memtemp', "%s %s" % (memtemp.get_mem_info(), memtemp.get_temp()))
memtemp.refresh_ts_last = time.time()
if OPTIONS['orientation'] == "horizontal":
ui.set('memtemp', " mem cpu temp\n %s%% %s%% %sc" % (mem_usage(), cpu_load(), pwnagotchi.temperature()))
elif OPTIONS['orientation'] == "vertical":
ui.set('memtemp', " mem:%s%%\n cpu:%s%%\ntemp:%sc" % (mem_usage(), cpu_load(), pwnagotchi.temperature()))
Reference in New Issue
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