diff --git a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/net-pos.py b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/net-pos.py
index 27f04d9..d0c54ae 100644
--- a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/net-pos.py
+++ b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/net-pos.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 __author__ = 'zenzen san'
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
+__version__ = '2.0.0'
 __name__ = 'net-pos'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
 __description__ = """Saves a json file with the access points with more signal
@@ -11,33 +11,24 @@ import logging
 import json
 import os
 import requests
+from pwnagotchi.utils import StatusFile
 MOZILLA_API_URL = 'https://location.services.mozilla.com/v1/geolocate?key={api}'
-SKIP = None
+REPORT = StatusFile('/root/.net_pos_saved', data_format='json')
+SKIP = list()
 READY = False
+OPTIONS = dict()
 def on_loaded():
-    global ALREADY_SAVED
-    global SKIP
     global READY
-    SKIP = list()
     if 'api_key' not in OPTIONS or ('api_key' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['api_key'] is None):
         logging.error("NET-POS: api_key isn't set. Can't use mozilla's api.")
-    try:
-        with open('/root/.net_pos_saved', 'r') as f:
-            ALREADY_SAVED = f.read().splitlines()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.warning('NET-POS: No net-pos-file found.')
-        ALREADY_SAVED = []
     READY = True
     logging.info("net-pos plugin loaded.")
 def _append_saved(path):
@@ -55,20 +46,22 @@ def _append_saved(path):
 def on_internet_available(agent):
     global SKIP
+    global REPORT
     if READY:
         config = agent.config()
         display = agent.view()
+        reported = REPORT.data_field_or('reported', default=list())
         handshake_dir = config['bettercap']['handshakes']
         all_files = os.listdir(handshake_dir)
         all_np_files = [os.path.join(handshake_dir, filename)
                      for filename in all_files
                      if filename.endswith('.net-pos.json')]
-        new_np_files = set(all_np_files) - set(ALREADY_SAVED) - set(SKIP)
+        new_np_files = set(all_np_files) - set(reported) - set(SKIP)
         if new_np_files:
-            logging.info("NET-POS: Found {num} new net-pos files. Fetching positions ...", len(new_np_files))
+            logging.info("NET-POS: Found %d new net-pos files. Fetching positions ...", len(new_np_files))
             display.set('status', f"Found {len(new_np_files)} new net-pos files. Fetching positions ...")
             for idx, np_file in enumerate(new_np_files):
@@ -76,8 +69,8 @@ def on_internet_available(agent):
                 geo_file = np_file.replace('.net-pos.json', '.geo.json')
                 if os.path.exists(geo_file):
                     # got already the position
-                    ALREADY_SAVED.append(np_file)
-                    _append_saved(np_file)
+                    reported.append(np_file)
+                    REPORT.update(data={'reported': reported})
@@ -85,18 +78,21 @@ def on_internet_available(agent):
                 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_e:
                     logging.error("NET-POS: %s", req_e)
                     SKIP += np_file
+                    continue
                 except json.JSONDecodeError as js_e:
                     logging.error("NET-POS: %s", js_e)
                     SKIP += np_file
+                    continue
                 except OSError as os_e:
                     logging.error("NET-POS: %s", os_e)
                     SKIP += np_file
+                    continue
                 with open(geo_file, 'w+t') as sf:
                     json.dump(geo_data, sf)
-                ALREADY_SAVED.append(np_file)
-                _append_saved(np_file)
+                reported.append(np_file)
+                REPORT.update(data={'reported': reported})
                 display.set('status', f"Fetching positions ({idx+1}/{len(new_np_files)})")
@@ -108,15 +104,15 @@ def on_handshake(agent, filename, access_point, client_station):
     logging.info("NET-POS: Saving net-location to %s", netpos_filename)
-        with open(netpos_filename, 'w+t') as fp:
-            json.dump(netpos, fp)
+        with open(netpos_filename, 'w+t') as net_pos_file:
+            json.dump(netpos, net_pos_file)
     except OSError as os_e:
         logging.error("NET-POS: %s", os_e)
 def _get_netpos(agent):
     aps = agent.get_access_points()
-    netpos = {}
+    netpos = dict()
     netpos['wifiAccessPoints'] = list()
     # 6 seems a good number to save a wifi networks location
     for access_point in sorted(aps, key=lambda i: i['rssi'], reverse=True)[:6]:
diff --git a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/onlinehashcrack.py b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/onlinehashcrack.py
index 25a18d6..dbf8a4e 100644
--- a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/onlinehashcrack.py
+++ b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/onlinehashcrack.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 __author__ = '33197631+dadav@users.noreply.github.com'
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
+__version__ = '2.0.0'
 __name__ = 'onlinehashcrack'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
 __description__ = 'This plugin automatically uploades handshakes to https://onlinehashcrack.com'
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@ __description__ = 'This plugin automatically uploades handshakes to https://onli
 import os
 import logging
 import requests
+from pwnagotchi.utils import StatusFile
 READY = False
+REPORT = StatusFile('/root/.ohc_uploads', data_format='json')
+SKIP = list()
 OPTIONS = dict()
@@ -18,20 +20,11 @@ def on_loaded():
     Gets called when the plugin gets loaded
     global READY
-    global EMAIL
-    if not 'email' in OPTIONS or ('email' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['email'] is None):
+    if 'email' not in OPTIONS or ('email' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['email'] is None):
         logging.error("OHC: Email isn't set. Can't upload to onlinehashcrack.com")
-    try:
-        with open('/root/.ohc_uploads', 'r') as f:
-            ALREADY_UPLOADED = f.read().splitlines()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.warning('OHC: No upload-file found.')
-        ALREADY_UPLOADED = []
     READY = True
@@ -59,14 +52,17 @@ def on_internet_available(agent):
     Called in manual mode when there's internet connectivity
+    global REPORT
+    global SKIP
     if READY:
         display = agent.view()
         config = agent.config()
+        reported = REPORT.data_field_or('reported', default=list())
         handshake_dir = config['bettercap']['handshakes']
         handshake_filenames = os.listdir(handshake_dir)
         handshake_paths = [os.path.join(handshake_dir, filename) for filename in handshake_filenames if filename.endswith('.pcap')]
-        handshake_new = set(handshake_paths) - set(ALREADY_UPLOADED)
+        handshake_new = set(handshake_paths) - set(reported) - set(SKIP)
         if handshake_new:
             logging.info("OHC: Internet connectivity detected. Uploading new handshakes to onelinehashcrack.com")
@@ -76,12 +72,15 @@ def on_internet_available(agent):
-                    ALREADY_UPLOADED.append(handshake)
-                    with open('/root/.ohc_uploads', 'a') as f:
-                        f.write(handshake + "\n")
+                    reported.append(handshake)
+                    REPORT.update(data={'reported': reported})
                     logging.info(f"OHC: Successfuly uploaded {handshake}")
-                except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
-                    pass
+                except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_e:
+                    SKIP.append(handshake)
+                    logging.error("OHC: %s", req_e)
+                    continue
                 except OSError as os_e:
-                    logging.error(f"OHC: Got the following error: {os_e}")
+                    SKIP.append(handshake)
+                    logging.error("OHC: %s", os_e)
+                    continue
diff --git a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wigle.py b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wigle.py
index b3f3329..61bc3de 100644
--- a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wigle.py
+++ b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wigle.py
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 __author__ = '33197631+dadav@users.noreply.github.com'
-__version__ = '1.0.0'
+__version__ = '2.0.0'
 __name__ = 'wigle'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
 __description__ = 'This plugin automatically uploades collected wifis to wigle.net'
@@ -11,111 +11,24 @@ from io import StringIO
 import csv
 from datetime import datetime
 import requests
-from pwnagotchi.mesh.wifi import freq_to_channel
-from pwnagotchi.utils import WifiInfo, FieldNotFoundError, extract_from_pcap
+from pwnagotchi.utils import WifiInfo, FieldNotFoundError, extract_from_pcap, StatusFile
 READY = False
-SKIP = None
+REPORT = StatusFile('/root/.wigle_uploads', data_format='json')
+SKIP = list()
 OPTIONS = dict()
-    0x00: "Reserved",
-    0x01: "802.1X",
-    0x02: "PSK",
-def _handle_packet(packet, result):
-    from scapy.all import RadioTap, Dot11Elt, Dot11Beacon, rdpcap, Scapy_Exception, Dot11, Dot11ProbeResp, Dot11AssoReq, \
-        Dot11ReassoReq, Dot11EltRSN, Dot11EltVendorSpecific, Dot11EltMicrosoftWPA
-    """
-    Analyze each packet and extract the data from Dot11 layers
-    """
-    if hasattr(packet, 'cap') and 'privacy' in packet.cap:
-        # packet is encrypted
-        if 'encryption' not in result:
-            result['encryption'] = set()
-    if packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon):
-        if packet.haslayer(Dot11Beacon)\
-                or packet.haslayer(Dot11ProbeResp)\
-                or packet.haslayer(Dot11AssoReq)\
-                or packet.haslayer(Dot11ReassoReq):
-            if 'bssid' not in result and hasattr(packet[Dot11], 'addr3'):
-                result['bssid'] = packet[Dot11].addr3
-            if 'essid' not in result and hasattr(packet[Dot11Elt], 'info'):
-                result['essid'] = packet[Dot11Elt].info
-            if 'channel' not in result and hasattr(packet[Dot11Elt:3], 'info'):
-                result['channel'] = int(ord(packet[Dot11Elt:3].info))
-    if packet.haslayer(RadioTap):
-        if 'rssi' not in result and hasattr(packet[RadioTap], 'dBm_AntSignal'):
-            result['rssi'] = packet[RadioTap].dBm_AntSignal
-        if 'channel' not in result and hasattr(packet[RadioTap], 'ChannelFrequency'):
-            result['channel'] = freq_to_channel(packet[RadioTap].ChannelFrequency)
-    # see: https://fossies.org/linux/scapy/scapy/layers/dot11.py
-    if packet.haslayer(Dot11EltRSN):
-        if hasattr(packet[Dot11EltRSN], 'akm_suites'):
-            auth = AKMSUITE_TYPES.get(packet[Dot11EltRSN].akm_suites[0].suite)
-            result['encryption'].add(f"WPA2/{auth}")
-        else:
-            result['encryption'].add("WPA2")
-    if packet.haslayer(Dot11EltVendorSpecific)\
-    and (packet.haslayer(Dot11EltMicrosoftWPA)
-         or packet.info.startswith(b'\x00P\xf2\x01\x01\x00')):
-        if hasattr(packet, 'akm_suites'):
-            auth = AKMSUITE_TYPES.get(packet.akm_suites[0].suite)
-            result['encryption'].add(f"WPA2/{auth}")
-        else:
-            result['encryption'].add("WPA2")
-    # end see
-    return result
-def _analyze_pcap(pcap):
-    from scapy.all import RadioTap, Dot11Elt, Dot11Beacon, rdpcap, Scapy_Exception, Dot11, Dot11ProbeResp, Dot11AssoReq, \
-        Dot11ReassoReq, Dot11EltRSN, Dot11EltVendorSpecific, Dot11EltMicrosoftWPA
-    """
-    Iterate over the packets and extract data
-    """
-    result = dict()
-    try:
-        packets = rdpcap(pcap)
-        for packet in packets:
-            result = _handle_packet(packet, result)
-    except Scapy_Exception as sc_e:
-        raise sc_e
-    return result
 def on_loaded():
     Gets called when the plugin gets loaded
     global READY
-    global SKIP
-    SKIP = list()
     if 'api_key' not in OPTIONS or ('api_key' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['api_key'] is None):
         logging.error("WIGLE: api_key isn't set. Can't upload to wigle.net")
-    try:
-        with open('/root/.wigle_uploads', 'r') as f:
-            ALREADY_UPLOADED = f.read().splitlines()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.warning('WIGLE: No upload-file found.')
-        ALREADY_UPLOADED = []
     READY = True
@@ -197,24 +110,24 @@ def _send_to_wigle(lines, api_key, timeout=30):
 def on_internet_available(agent):
-    from scapy.all import RadioTap, Dot11Elt, Dot11Beacon, rdpcap, Scapy_Exception, Dot11, Dot11ProbeResp, Dot11AssoReq, \
-        Dot11ReassoReq, Dot11EltRSN, Dot11EltVendorSpecific, Dot11EltMicrosoftWPA
+    from scapy.all import Scapy_Exception
     Called in manual mode when there's internet connectivity
+    global REPORT
     global SKIP
     if READY:
         config = agent.config()
         display = agent.view()
+        reported = REPORT.data_field_or('reported', default=list())
         handshake_dir = config['bettercap']['handshakes']
         all_files = os.listdir(handshake_dir)
         all_gps_files = [os.path.join(handshake_dir, filename)
                      for filename in all_files
                      if filename.endswith('.gps.json')]
-        new_gps_files = set(all_gps_files) - set(ALREADY_UPLOADED) - set(SKIP)
+        new_gps_files = set(all_gps_files) - set(reported) - set(SKIP)
         if new_gps_files:
             logging.info("WIGLE: Internet connectivity detected. Uploading new handshakes to wigle.net")
@@ -271,10 +184,8 @@ def on_internet_available(agent):
                     _send_to_wigle(csv_entries, OPTIONS['api_key'])
-                    ALREADY_UPLOADED += no_err_entries
-                    with open('/root/.wigle_uploads', 'a') as up_file:
-                        for gps in no_err_entries:
-                            up_file.write(gps + "\n")
+                    reported += no_err_entries
+                    REPORT.update(data={'reported': reported})
                     logging.info("WIGLE: Successfuly uploaded %d files", len(no_err_entries))
                 except requests.exceptions.RequestException as re_e:
                     SKIP += no_err_entries
diff --git a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wpa-sec.py b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wpa-sec.py
index 0f6b854..8ab7351 100644
--- a/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wpa-sec.py
+++ b/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/wpa-sec.py
@@ -7,9 +7,12 @@ __description__ = 'This plugin automatically uploades handshakes to https://wpa-
 import os
 import logging
 import requests
+from pwnagotchi.utils import StatusFile
 READY = False
+REPORT = StatusFile('/root/.wpa_sec_uploads', data_format='json')
+OPTIONS = dict()
+SKIP = list()
 def on_loaded():
@@ -17,20 +20,11 @@ def on_loaded():
     Gets called when the plugin gets loaded
     global READY
-    global API_KEY
-    if not 'api_key' in OPTIONS or ('api_key' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['api_key'] is None):
+    if 'api_key' not in OPTIONS or ('api_key' in OPTIONS and OPTIONS['api_key'] is None):
         logging.error("WPA_SEC: API-KEY isn't set. Can't upload to wpa-sec.stanev.org")
-    try:
-        with open('/root/.wpa_sec_uploads', 'r') as f:
-            ALREADY_UPLOADED = f.read().splitlines()
-    except OSError:
-        logging.warning('WPA_SEC: No upload-file found.')
-        ALREADY_UPLOADED = []
     READY = True
@@ -48,39 +42,42 @@ def _upload_to_wpasec(path, timeout=30):
             if ' already submitted' in result.text:
-                logging.warning(f"{path} was already submitted.")
-        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e:
-            logging.error(f"WPA_SEC: Got an exception while uploading {path} -> {e}")
-            raise e
+                logging.warning("%s was already submitted.", path)
+        except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_e:
+            raise req_e
 def on_internet_available(agent):
     Called in manual mode when there's internet connectivity
+    global REPORT
+    global SKIP
     if READY:
         config = agent.config()
         display = agent.view()
+        reported = REPORT.data_field_or('reported', default=list())
         handshake_dir = config['bettercap']['handshakes']
         handshake_filenames = os.listdir(handshake_dir)
         handshake_paths = [os.path.join(handshake_dir, filename) for filename in handshake_filenames if filename.endswith('.pcap')]
-        handshake_new = set(handshake_paths) - set(ALREADY_UPLOADED)
+        handshake_new = set(handshake_paths) - set(reported) - set(SKIP)
         if handshake_new:
-            logging.info("WPA_SEC: Internet connectivity detected.\
-                          Uploading new handshakes to wpa-sec.stanev.org")
+            logging.info("WPA_SEC: Internet connectivity detected. Uploading new handshakes to wpa-sec.stanev.org")
             for idx, handshake in enumerate(handshake_new):
                 display.set('status', f"Uploading handshake to wpa-sec.stanev.org ({idx + 1}/{len(handshake_new)})")
-                    ALREADY_UPLOADED.append(handshake)
-                    with open('/root/.wpa_sec_uploads', 'a') as f:
-                        f.write(handshake + "\n")
-                    logging.info(f"WPA_SEC: Successfuly uploaded {handshake}")
-                except requests.exceptions.RequestException:
-                    pass
+                    reported.append(handshake)
+                    REPORT.update(data={'reported': reported})
+                    logging.info("WPA_SEC: Successfuly uploaded %s", handshake)
+                except requests.exceptions.RequestException as req_e:
+                    SKIP.append(handshake)
+                    logging.error("WPA_SEC: %s", req_e)
+                    continue
                 except OSError as os_e:
-                    logging.error(f"WPA_SEC: Got the following error: {os_e}")
+                    logging.error("WPA_SEC: %s", os_e)
+                    continue