diff --git a/builder/pwnagotchi.yml b/builder/pwnagotchi.yml index b0f5e6a..6356d18 100644 --- a/builder/pwnagotchi.yml +++ b/builder/pwnagotchi.yml @@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ system: boot_options: - "dtoverlay=dwc2" - - "dtparam=spi=on" - "dtoverlay=spi1-3cs" - - "dtoverlay=i2c_arm=on" - - "dtoverlay=i2c1=on" + - "dtparam=spi=on" + - "dtparam=i2c_arm=on" + - "dtparam=i2c1=on" + modules: + - "i2c-dev" services: enable: - dphys-swapfile.service @@ -95,27 +97,22 @@ - libfuse-dev - bc - fonts-freefont-ttf + - fbi tasks: - - - name: selected hostname - debug: - msg: "{{ pwnagotchi.hostname }}" - - - name: build version - debug: - msg: "{{ pwnagotchi.version }}" - - name: change hostname hostname: name: "{{pwnagotchi.hostname}}" + when: lookup('file', '/etc/hostname') == "raspberrypi" + register: hostname - name: add hostname to /etc/hosts lineinfile: dest: /etc/hosts - regexp: '^127\.0\.0\.1[ \t]+localhost' - line: ' localhost {{pwnagotchi.hostname}} {{pwnagotchi.hostname}}.local' + regexp: '^127\.0\.1\.1[ \t]+raspberrypi' + line: '\t{{pwnagotchi.hostname}}' state: present + when: hostname.changed - name: Add re4son-kernel repo key apt_key: @@ -161,6 +158,7 @@ git: repo: https://github.com/repaper/gratis.git dest: /usr/local/src/gratis + register: gratisgit - name: build papirus service make: @@ -169,6 +167,7 @@ params: EPD_IO: epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION: 'V231_G2' + when: gratisgit.changed - name: install papirus service make: @@ -177,6 +176,7 @@ params: EPD_IO: epd_io.h PANEL_VERSION: 'V231_G2' + when: gratisgit.changed - name: configure papirus display size lineinfile: @@ -184,6 +184,16 @@ regexp: "#EPD_SIZE=2.0" line: "EPD_SIZE=2.0" + - name: collect python pip package list + command: "pip3 list" + register: pip_output + + - name: set python pip package facts + set_fact: + pip_packages: > + {{ pip_packages | default({}) | combine( { item.split()[0]: item.split()[1] } ) }} + with_items: "{{ pip_output.stdout_lines }}" + - name: acquire python3 pip target command: "python3 -c 'import sys;print(sys.path.pop())'" register: pip_target @@ -192,26 +202,39 @@ git: repo: https://github.com/evilsocket/pwnagotchi.git dest: /usr/local/src/pwnagotchi + register: pwnagotchigit + + - name: fetch pwnagotchi version + set_fact: + pwnagotchi_version: "{{ lookup('file', '/usr/local/src/pwnagotchi/pwnagotchi/__init__.py') | replace('\n', ' ') | regex_replace('.*version.*=.*''([0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+[A-Za-z0-9]*)''.*', '\\1') }}" + + - name: pwnagotchi version found + debug: + msg: "{{ pwnagotchi_version }}" - name: build pwnagotchi wheel command: "python3 setup.py sdist bdist_wheel" args: chdir: /usr/local/src/pwnagotchi + when: (pwnagotchigit.changed) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] != pwnagotchi.version) - name: install opencv-python pip: name: "https://www.piwheels.hostedpi.com/simple/opencv-python/opencv_python-" extra_args: "--no-deps --no-cache-dir --platform=linux_armv6l --only-binary=:all: --target={{ pip_target.stdout }}" + when: (pip_packages['opencv-python'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['opencv-python'] != '') - name: install tensorflow pip: name: "https://www.piwheels.hostedpi.com/simple/tensorflow/tensorflow-1.13.1-cp37-none-linux_armv6l.whl" extra_args: "--no-deps --no-cache-dir --platform=linux_armv6l --only-binary=:all: --target={{ pip_target.stdout }}" + when: (pip_packages['tensorflow'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['tensorflow'] != '1.13.1') - name: install pwnagotchi wheel and dependencies pip: name: "{{ lookup('fileglob', '/usr/local/src/pwnagotchi/dist/pwnagotchi*.whl') }}" extra_args: "--no-cache-dir" + when: (pwnagotchigit.changed) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] is undefined) or (pip_packages['pwnagotchi'] != pwnagotchi.version) - name: download and install pwngrid unarchive: @@ -234,11 +257,13 @@ git: repo: https://github.com/bettercap/caplets.git dest: /tmp/caplets + register: capletsgit - name: install bettercap caplets make: chdir: /tmp/caplets target: install + when: capletsgit.changed - name: download and install bettercap ui unarchive: @@ -247,26 +272,6 @@ remote_src: yes mode: 0755 - - name: create cpuusage script - copy: - dest: /usr/bin/cpuusage - mode: 0755 - content: | - #!/usr/bin/env bash - while true - do - top -b -n1 | awk '/Cpu\(s\)/ { printf("%d %", $2 + $4 + 0.5) }' - sleep 3 - done - - - name: create memusage script - copy: - dest: /usr/bin/memusage - mode: 0755 - content: | - #!/usr/bin/env bash - free -m | awk '/Mem/ { printf( "%d %", $3 / $2 * 100 + 0.5 ) }' - - name: create bootblink script copy: dest: /usr/bin/bootblink @@ -434,6 +439,13 @@ line: '{{ item }}' with_items: "{{system.boot_options}}" + - name: adjust /etc/modules + lineinfile: + dest: /etc/modules + insertafter: EOF + line: '{{ item }}' + with_items: "{{system.modules}}" + - name: change root partition replace: dest: /boot/cmdline.txt @@ -480,6 +492,7 @@ touch /root/.pwnagotchi-auto && systemctl restart pwnagotchi You learn more about me at https://pwnagotchi.ai/ + when: hostname.changed - name: clean apt cache apt: