diff --git a/sdcard/rootfs/root/pwnagotchi/scripts/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/memtemp.py b/sdcard/rootfs/root/pwnagotchi/scripts/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/memtemp.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..43c64c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/sdcard/rootfs/root/pwnagotchi/scripts/pwnagotchi/plugins/default/memtemp.py
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# tempmem shows memory infos and cpu temperature
+# totalmem usedmem freemem cputemp
+__author__ = 'https://github.com/xenDE'
+__version__ = '1.0.0'
+__name__ = 'memtemp'
+__license__ = 'GPL3'
+__description__ = 'A plugin that will add a memory and temperature indicator'
+__enabled__ = False
+import struct
+from pwnagotchi.ui.components import LabeledValue
+from pwnagotchi.ui.view import BLACK
+import pwnagotchi.ui.fonts as fonts
+import time
+class MEMTEMP:
+    # set the minimum seconds before refresh the values
+    refresh_wait = 30
+    refresh_ts_last = time.time() - refresh_wait
+    def __init__(self):
+        # only import when the module is loaded and enabled
+        import os
+    def get_temp(self):
+        try:
+            temp = os.popen('/opt/vc/bin/vcgencmd measure_temp').readlines()[0].split('=')[1].replace("\n", '').replace("'","")
+            return 'cpu:' + temp
+        except:
+            return 'cpu:0.0C'
+        # cpu:37.4C
+    def get_mem_info(self):
+        try:
+            total, used, free = map(int, os.popen('free -t -m').readlines()[-1].split()[1:])
+            return "tm:"+str(total)+" um:"+str(used)+" fm:"+str(free)
+        except:
+            return "tm:0 um:0 fm:0"
+        # tm:532 um:82 fm:353
+memtemp = None
+def on_loaded():
+    global memtemp
+    memtemp = MEMTEMP()
+def on_ui_setup(ui):
+    ui.add_element('memtemp', LabeledValue(color=BLACK, label='SYS', value='tm:0 um:0 fm:0 0.0C', position=(0, ui.height()-28),
+                                       label_font=fonts.Bold, text_font=fonts.Medium))
+def on_ui_update(ui):
+    if time.time() > memtemp.refresh_ts_last + memtemp.refresh_wait:
+        ui.set('memtemp', "%s %s" % (memtemp.get_mem_info(), memtemp.get_temp()))
+        memtemp.refresh_ts_last = time.time()