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Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# well ... it blinks the led
blink_led() {
for i in $(seq 1 "$1"); do
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness
sleep 0.3
echo 1 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness
sleep 0.3
echo 0 >/sys/class/leds/led0/brightness
sleep 0.3
# starts mon0
start_monitor_interface() {
iw phy phy0 interface add mon0 type monitor && ifconfig mon0 up
# stops mon0
stop_monitor_interface() {
ifconfig mon0 down && iw dev mon0 del
# returns 0 if the specificed network interface is up
is_interface_up() {
if grep -qi 'up' /sys/class/net/$1/operstate; then
return 0
return 1
# returns 0 if conditions for AUTO mode are met
is_auto_mode() {
# check override file first
if [ -f /root/.pwnagotchi-auto ]; then
# remove the override file if found
rm -rf /root/.pwnagotchi-auto
return 0
# if usb0 is up, we're in MANU
if is_interface_up usb0; then
return 1
# if eth0 is up (for other boards), we're in MANU
if is_interface_up eth0; then
return 1
# no override, but none of the interfaces is up -> AUTO
return 0