2019-10-03 23:44:21 +02:00
A script that setups Internet Connection Sharing for Pwnagotchi .
A script that setups Internet Connection Sharing for Pwnagotchi .
Note : Internet Connection Sharing on Windows can be a bit unstable on windows between reboots .
You might need to run this script occasionally to disable and re-enable Internet Connection Sharing .
. PARAMETER EnableInternetConnectionSharing
Enable Internet Connection Sharing
. PARAMETER DisableInternetConnectionSharing
Disable Internet Connection Sharing
. PARAMETER SetPwnagotchiSubnet
Change the Internet Connection Sharing subnet to the Pwnagotchi . Defaults to 10.0 . 0 . 1 .
. PARAMETER ScopeAddress
Custom ScopeAddress ( The IP Address of the USB Gadget Interface . )
# Enable Internet Connection Sharing
PS C: \ > . \ win_connection_share -EnableInternetConnectionSharing
# Disable Internet Connection Sharing
PS C: \ > . \ win_connection_share -DisableInternetConnectionSharing
# Change the regkeys of Internet Connection Sharing to the Pwnagotchi Subnet
PS C: \ > . \ win_connection_share -SetPwnagotchiSubnet
# Change the regkeys of Internet Connection Sharing to the Pwnagotchi Subnet with a custom ScopeAddress (The IP Address of the USB Gadget Interface.)
PS C: \ > . \ win_connection_share -SetPwnagotchiSubnet -ScopeAddress 10.0 . 0 . 10
# Requires -Version 5
# Requires -RunAsAdministrator
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
Param (
[ switch ] $EnableInternetConnectionSharing ,
[ switch ] $DisableInternetConnectionSharing ,
[ switch ] $SetPwnagotchiSubnet ,
[ ipaddress ] $ScopeAddress = ''
# Load helper functions
Function Create-HNetObjects {
A helper function that does the heavy lifiting with NetCfg . HNetShare
A helper function that does the heavy lifiting with NetCfg . HNetShare . This returns a PSObject containing the ` INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection ` info of 2 Adapters .
By default it tries to get the correct interfaces . This method might not be foolproof for every setup , but should work in most default senarios , if this causes issues these
2019-10-03 23:48:36 +02:00
could be passed as a param , they would need to be implemented in Setup-PwnagotchiNetwork and the Param block of this file .
2019-10-03 23:44:21 +02:00
. PARAMETER InternetAdaptor
The output of Get-NetAdaptor filter ed down to the 'main' uplink interface . Should default to the correct value .
The output of Get-NetAdaptor filter ed down to the 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget' interface . Should default to the correct value .
PS > $HNetObject = Create-HNetObjects
PS > $HNetObject
RNDISIntConfig InternetIntConfig
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
System . __ComObject System . __ComObject
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
Param (
$InternetAdaptor = $ ( Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_ . MediaConnectionState -eq 'Connected' -and $_ . PhysicalMediaType -ne 'Unspecified' } | Sort-Object LinkSpeed -Descending ) ,
$RNDISGadget = $ ( Get-NetAdapter | Where-Object { $_ . MediaConnectionState -eq 'Connected' -and $_ . InterfaceDescription -eq " USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget " } )
Begin {
regsvr32 . exe / s hnetcfg . dll
$HNetShare = New-Object -ComObject HNetCfg . HNetShare
Process {
if ( $HNetShare . EnumEveryConnection -ne $null ) {
$InternetInt = $HNetShare . EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object { $HNetShare . NetConnectionProps . Invoke ( $_ ) . Name -eq ( $InternetAdaptor ) . Name }
$InternetIntConfig = $HNetShare . INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection . Invoke ( $InternetInt )
$RNDISInt = $HNetShare . EnumEveryConnection | Where-Object { $HNetShare . NetConnectionProps . Invoke ( $_ ) . Name -eq ( $RNDISGadget ) . Name }
$RNDISIntConfig = $HNetShare . INetSharingConfigurationForINetConnection . Invoke ( $RNDISInt )
End {
Return $ ( New-Object -TypeName PSObject -Property @ { InternetIntConfig = $InternetIntConfig ; RNDISIntConfig = $RNDISIntConfig ; } )
Function Enable-InternetConnectionSharing {
Enables internet connection sharing between the 'main' uplink interface and the 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget' interface .
Enables internet connection sharing between the 'main' uplink interface and the 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget' interface .
PS > Enable-InternetConnectionSharing
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
$HNetObject = Create-HNetObjects
$HNetObject . InternetIntConfig . EnableSharing ( 0 )
$HNetObject . RNDISIntConfig . EnableSharing ( 1 )
Write-Output " [x] Enabled Internet Connection Sharing. "
Function Disable-InternetConnectionSharing {
Disables internet connection sharing between the 'main' uplink interface and the 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget' interface .
Disables internet connection sharing between the 'main' uplink interface and the 'USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget' interface .
PS > Disable-InternetConnectionSharing
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
$HNetObject = $ ( Create-HNetObjects )
$HNetObject . InternetIntConfig . DisableSharing ( )
$HNetObject . RNDISIntConfig . DisableSharing ( )
Write-Output " [x] Disabled Internet Connection Sharing. "
Function Test-PwnagotchiSubnet {
Tests the registry for the correct ScopeAddress .
Tests the registry for the correct ScopeAddress . By default windows uses a 192.168 . 137 . x subnet for Internet Connection Sharing . This value can be changed
in the registry .
PS > Test-PwnagotchiSubnet
[ ! ] By default Internet Connection Sharing uses a 192.168 . 137 . x subnet . Run Set-PwnagotchiSubnet to ensure you and your little friend are on the same subnet .
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
$RegKeys = Get-ItemProperty HKLM : \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ SharedAccess \ Parameters -ErrorAction Stop
If ( $RegKeys . ScopeAddress -notmatch '10.0.0.' ) {
Write-Error " By default Internet Connection Sharing uses a 192.168.137.x subnet. Run Set-PwnagotchiSubnet to ensure you and your little friend are on the same subnet. " -ErrorAction Stop
If ( $RegKeys . ScopeAddressBackup -notmatch '10.0.0.' ) {
Write-Error " By default Internet Connection Sharing uses a 192.168.137.x subnet. Run Set-PwnagotchiSubnet to ensure you and your little friend are on the same subnet. " -ErrorAction Stop
Function Set-PwnagotchiSubnet {
Set the registry for the correct ScopeAddress .
Set the registry for the correct ScopeAddress . By default windows uses a 192.168 . 137 . x subnet for Internet Connection Sharing . This value can be changed
in the registry . By default it will be changed to 10.0 . 0 . 1
. PARAMETER ScopeAddress
The IP address the USB Gadget interface should use .
[ Cmdletbinding ( ) ]
Param (
$ScopeAddress = ''
Try {
[ void ] ( [ ipaddress ] $ScopeAddress )
[ void ] ( [ byte[] ] $ScopeAddress . split ( '.' ) )
} Catch {
Write-Error " $ScopeAddress is not a valid IP. "
Try {
Set-ItemProperty -Name ScopeAddress -Path " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\ " -Value $ScopeAddress -ErrorAction Stop
Set-ItemProperty -Name ScopeAddressBackup -Path " HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\SharedAccess\Parameters\ " -Value $ScopeAddress -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Warning " The Internet Connection Sharing subnet has been updated. A reboot of windows is required ! "
} Catch {
$PSCmdlet . ThrowTerminatingError ( $PSItem )
# Main Function
Function Setup-PwnagotchiNetwork {
Function to setup networking .
Function to setup networking . Main function calls helpers function s .
. PARAMETER EnableInternetConnectionSharing
Enable Internet Connection Sharing
. PARAMETER DisableInternetConnectionSharing
Disable Internet Connection Sharing
. PARAMETER SetPwnagotchiSubnet
Change the Internet Connection Sharing subnet to the Pwnagotchi . Defaults to 10.0 . 0 . 1 .
. PARAMETER ScopeAddress
Custom ScopeAddress ( the ICS ip address )
PS > Setup-PwnagotchiNetwork -EnableInternetConnectionSharing
Param (
[ switch ] $EnableInternetConnectionSharing ,
[ switch ] $DisableInternetConnectionSharing ,
[ switch ] $SetPwnagotchiSubnet ,
$ScopeAddress = ''
Begin {
Try {
Write-Debug " Begin "
$ErrorSplat = @ { ErrorAction = " stop " }
Write-Debug " Testing subnet "
Try {
Test-PwnagotchiSubnet @ErrorSplat
} Catch {
If ( $SetPwnagotchiSubnet ) {
Write-Debug " Setting subnet "
Set-PwnagotchiSubnet -ScopeAddress $ScopeAddress @ErrorSplat
} Else {
Write-Error " By default Internet Connection Sharing uses a 192.168.137.x subnet. Run this script with the -SetPwnagotchiSubnet to setup the network. " -ErrorAction Stop
} Catch {
$PSCmdlet . ThrowTerminatingError ( $PSItem )
Process {
Write-Debug " Process "
Try {
If ( $EnableInternetConnectionSharing ) {
Write-Debug " Enable network Sharing "
Enable-InternetConnectionSharing @ErrorSplat
} ElseIf ( $DisableInternetConnectionSharing ) {
Write-Debug " Disable network Sharing "
Disable-InternetConnectionSharing @ErrorSplat
} Catch {
$PSCmdlet . ThrowTerminatingError ( $PSItem )
End {
Write-Debug " End "
Try {
# Nothing to return.
} Catch {
$PSCmdlet . ThrowTerminatingError ( $PSItem )
# Dynamically create params for Setup-PwnagotchiNetwork function based of param input of script.
Setup-PwnagotchiNetwork @psBoundParameters