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2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
import logging
import io
import subprocess
import os
import json
import pwnagotchi.plugins as plugins
from threading import Lock
from pwnagotchi.ui.components import LabeledValue
from pwnagotchi.ui.view import BLACK
import pwnagotchi.ui.fonts as fonts
class hashie(plugins.Plugin):
__author__ = 'junohea.mail@gmail.com'
2020-04-11 10:14:23 +02:00
__version__ = '1.0.1'
2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
__license__ = 'GPL3'
__description__ = '''
Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format.
If successful, the files containing the hashes will be saved
in the same folder as the handshakes.
The files are saved in their respective Hashcat format:
- EAPOL hashes are saved as *.2500
- PMKID hashes are saved as *.16800
All PCAP files without enough information to create a hash are
stored in a file that can be read by the webgpsmap plugin.
Why use it?:
- Automatically convert handshakes to crackable formats!
We dont all upload our hashes online ;)
- Repair PMKID handshakes that hcxpcaptool misses
- If running at time of handshake capture, on_handshake can
be used to improve the chance of the repair succeeding
- Be a completionist! Not enough packets captured to crack a network?
This generates an output file for the webgpsmap plugin, use the
location data to revisit networks you need more packets for!
Additional information:
- Currently requires hcxpcaptool compiled and installed
- Attempts to repair PMKID hashes when hcxpcaptool cant find the SSID
- hcxpcaptool sometimes has trouble extracting the SSID, so we
use the raw 16800 output and attempt to retrieve the SSID via tcpdump
- When access_point data is available (on_handshake), we leverage
the reported AP name and MAC to complete the hash
- The repair is very basic and could certainly be improved!
Make it so users dont need hcxpcaptool (unless it gets added to the base image)
Phase 1: Extract/construct 2500/16800 hashes through tcpdump commands
Phase 2: Extract/construct 2500/16800 hashes entirely in python
Improve the code, a lot
def __init__(self):
logging.info("[hashie] plugin loaded")
self.lock = Lock()
# called when everything is ready and the main loop is about to start
2020-04-11 10:14:23 +02:00
def on_config_changed(self, config):
2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
handshake_dir = config['bettercap']['handshakes']
if 'interval' not in self.options or not (self.status.newer_then_hours(self.options['interval'])):
logging.info('[hashie] Starting batch conversion of pcap files')
with self.lock:
def on_handshake(self, agent, filename, access_point, client_station):
with self.lock:
handshake_status = []
fullpathNoExt = filename.split('.')[0]
name = filename.split('/')[-1:][0].split('.')[0]
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.2500'):
handshake_status.append('Already have {}.2500 (EAPOL)'.format(name))
elif self._writeEAPOL(filename):
handshake_status.append('Created {}.2500 (EAPOL) from pcap'.format(name))
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.16800'):
handshake_status.append('Already have {}.16800 (PMKID)'.format(name))
elif self._writePMKID(filename, access_point):
handshake_status.append('Created {}.16800 (PMKID) from pcap'.format(name))
if handshake_status:
logging.info('[hashie] Good news:\n\t' + '\n\t'.join(handshake_status))
def _writeEAPOL(self, fullpath):
fullpathNoExt = fullpath.split('.')[0]
filename = fullpath.split('/')[-1:][0].split('.')[0]
result = subprocess.getoutput('hcxpcaptool -o {}.2500 {} >/dev/null 2>&1'.format(fullpathNoExt,fullpath))
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.2500'):
logging.debug('[hashie] [+] EAPOL Success: {}.2500 created'.format(filename))
return True
return False
def _writePMKID(self, fullpath, apJSON):
fullpathNoExt = fullpath.split('.')[0]
filename = fullpath.split('/')[-1:][0].split('.')[0]
result = subprocess.getoutput('hcxpcaptool -k {}.16800 {} >/dev/null 2>&1'.format(fullpathNoExt,fullpath))
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.16800'):
logging.debug('[hashie] [+] PMKID Success: {}.16800 created'.format(filename))
return True
else: #make a raw dump
result = subprocess.getoutput('hcxpcaptool -K {}.16800 {} >/dev/null 2>&1'.format(fullpathNoExt,fullpath))
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.16800'):
if self._repairPMKID(fullpath, apJSON) == False:
logging.debug('[hashie] [-] PMKID Fail: {}.16800 could not be repaired'.format(filename))
return False
logging.debug('[hashie] [+] PMKID Success: {}.16800 repaired'.format(filename))
return True
logging.debug('[hashie] [-] Could not attempt repair of {} as no raw PMKID file was created'.format(filename))
return False
def _repairPMKID(self, fullpath, apJSON):
hashString = ""
clientString = []
fullpathNoExt = fullpath.split('.')[0]
filename = fullpath.split('/')[-1:][0].split('.')[0]
logging.debug('[hashie] Repairing {}'.format(filename))
with open(fullpathNoExt + '.16800','r') as tempFileA:
hashString = tempFileA.read()
if apJSON != "":
clientString.append('{}:{}'.format(apJSON['mac'].replace(':',''), apJSON['hostname'].encode('hex')))
#attempt to extract the AP's name via hcxpcaptool
result = subprocess.getoutput('hcxpcaptool -X /tmp/{} {} >/dev/null 2>&1'.format(filename,fullpath))
if os.path.isfile('/tmp/' + filename):
with open('/tmp/' + filename,'r') as tempFileB:
temp = tempFileB.read().splitlines()
for line in temp:
clientString.append(line.split(':')[0] + ':' + line.split(':')[1].strip('\n').encode().hex())
#attempt to extract the AP's name via tcpdump
tcpCatOut = subprocess.check_output("tcpdump -ennr " + fullpath + " \"(type mgt subtype beacon) || (type mgt subtype probe-resp) || (type mgt subtype reassoc-resp) || (type mgt subtype assoc-req)\" 2>/dev/null | sed -E 's/.*BSSID:([0-9a-fA-F:]{17}).*\\((.*)\\).*/\\1\t\\2/g'",shell=True).decode('utf-8')
if ":" in tcpCatOut:
for i in tcpCatOut.split('\n'):
if ":" in i:
clientString.append(i.split('\t')[0].replace(':','') + ':' + i.split('\t')[1].strip('\n').encode().hex())
if clientString:
for line in clientString:
if line.split(':')[0] == hashString.split(':')[1]: #if the AP MAC pulled from the JSON or tcpdump output matches the AP MAC in the raw 16800 output
hashString = hashString.strip('\n') + ':' + (line.split(':')[1])
if (len(hashString.split(':')) == 4) and not (hashString.endswith(':')):
with open(fullpath.split('.')[0] + '.16800','w') as tempFileC:
logging.debug('[hashie] Repaired: {} ({})'.format(filename,hashString))
tempFileC.write(hashString + '\n')
return True
logging.debug('[hashie] Discarded: {} {}'.format(line, hashString))
os.remove(fullpath.split('.')[0] + '.16800')
return False
def _process_stale_pcaps(self, handshake_dir):
handshakes_list = [os.path.join(handshake_dir, filename) for filename in os.listdir(handshake_dir) if filename.endswith('.pcap')]
failed_jobs = []
successful_jobs = []
lonely_pcaps = []
for num, handshake in enumerate(handshakes_list):
fullpathNoExt = handshake.split('.')[0]
pcapFileName = handshake.split('/')[-1:][0]
if not os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.2500'): #if no 2500, try
if self._writeEAPOL(handshake):
successful_jobs.append('2500: ' + pcapFileName)
failed_jobs.append('2500: ' + pcapFileName)
if not os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.16800'): #if no 16800, try
if self._writePMKID(handshake, ""):
successful_jobs.append('16800: ' + pcapFileName)
failed_jobs.append('16800: ' + pcapFileName)
if not os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.2500'): #if no 16800 AND no 2500
logging.debug('[hashie] Batch job: added {} to lonely list'.format(pcapFileName))
if ((num + 1) % 50 == 0) or (num + 1 == len(handshakes_list)): #report progress every 50, or when done
logging.info('[hashie] Batch job: {}/{} done ({} fails)'.format(num + 1,len(handshakes_list),len(lonely_pcaps)))
if successful_jobs:
logging.info('[hashie] Batch job: {} new handshake files created'.format(len(successful_jobs)))
if lonely_pcaps:
logging.info('[hashie] Batch job: {} networks without enough packets to create a hash'.format(len(lonely_pcaps)))
def _getLocations(self, lonely_pcaps):
#export a file for webgpsmap to load
with open('/root/.incompletePcaps','w') as isIncomplete:
count = 0
for pcapFile in lonely_pcaps:
filename = pcapFile.split('/')[-1:][0] #keep extension
fullpathNoExt = pcapFile.split('.')[0]
isIncomplete.write(filename + '\n')
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.gps.json') or os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.geo.json') or os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.paw-gps.json'):
count +=1
if count != 0:
logging.info('[hashie] Used {} GPS/GEO/PAW-GPS files to find lonely networks, go check webgpsmap! ;)'.format(str(count)))
logging.info('[hashie] Could not find any GPS/GEO/PAW-GPS files for the lonely networks'.format(str(count)))
def _getLocationsCSV(self, lonely_pcaps):
#in case we need this later, export locations manually to CSV file, needs try/catch/paw-gps format/etc.
locations = []
for pcapFile in lonely_pcaps:
filename = pcapFile.split('/')[-1:][0].split('.')[0]
fullpathNoExt = pcapFile.split('.')[0]
if os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.gps.json'):
with open(fullpathNoExt + '.gps.json','r') as tempFileA:
data = json.load(tempFileA)
locations.append(filename + ',' + str(data['Latitude']) + ',' + str(data['Longitude']) + ',50')
elif os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.geo.json'):
with open(fullpathNoExt + '.geo.json','r') as tempFileB:
data = json.load(tempFileB)
locations.append(filename + ',' + str(data['location']['lat']) + ',' + str(data['location']['lng']) + ',' + str(data['accuracy']))
elif os.path.isfile(fullpathNoExt + '.paw-gps.json'):
with open(fullpathNoExt + '.paw-gps.json','r') as tempFileC:
data = json.load(tempFileC)
locations.append(filename + ',' + str(data['lat']) + ',' + str(data['long']) + ',50')
if locations:
with open('/root/locations.csv','w') as tempFileD:
for loc in locations:
tempFileD.write(loc + '\n')
logging.info('[hashie] Used {} GPS/GEO files to find lonely networks, load /root/locations.csv into a mapping app and go say hi!'.format(len(locations)))