2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
import logging
import io
import subprocess
import os
import json
import pwnagotchi . plugins as plugins
from threading import Lock
from pwnagotchi . ui . components import LabeledValue
from pwnagotchi . ui . view import BLACK
import pwnagotchi . ui . fonts as fonts
class hashie ( plugins . Plugin ) :
__author__ = ' junohea.mail@gmail.com '
2020-04-11 10:14:23 +02:00
__version__ = ' 1.0.1 '
2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
__license__ = ' GPL3 '
__description__ = '''
Attempt to automatically convert pcaps to a crackable format .
If successful , the files containing the hashes will be saved
in the same folder as the handshakes .
The files are saved in their respective Hashcat format :
- EAPOL hashes are saved as * .2500
- PMKID hashes are saved as * .16800
All PCAP files without enough information to create a hash are
stored in a file that can be read by the webgpsmap plugin .
Why use it ? :
- Automatically convert handshakes to crackable formats !
We dont all upload our hashes online ; )
- Repair PMKID handshakes that hcxpcaptool misses
- If running at time of handshake capture , on_handshake can
be used to improve the chance of the repair succeeding
- Be a completionist ! Not enough packets captured to crack a network ?
This generates an output file for the webgpsmap plugin , use the
location data to revisit networks you need more packets for !
Additional information :
- Currently requires hcxpcaptool compiled and installed
- Attempts to repair PMKID hashes when hcxpcaptool cant find the SSID
- hcxpcaptool sometimes has trouble extracting the SSID , so we
use the raw 16800 output and attempt to retrieve the SSID via tcpdump
- When access_point data is available ( on_handshake ) , we leverage
the reported AP name and MAC to complete the hash
- The repair is very basic and could certainly be improved !
Todo :
Make it so users dont need hcxpcaptool ( unless it gets added to the base image )
Phase 1 : Extract / construct 2500 / 16800 hashes through tcpdump commands
Phase 2 : Extract / construct 2500 / 16800 hashes entirely in python
Improve the code , a lot
def __init__ ( self ) :
logging . info ( " [hashie] plugin loaded " )
self . lock = Lock ( )
# called when everything is ready and the main loop is about to start
2020-04-11 10:14:23 +02:00
def on_config_changed ( self , config ) :
2020-01-13 13:10:16 -07:00
handshake_dir = config [ ' bettercap ' ] [ ' handshakes ' ]
if ' interval ' not in self . options or not ( self . status . newer_then_hours ( self . options [ ' interval ' ] ) ) :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Starting batch conversion of pcap files ' )
with self . lock :
self . _process_stale_pcaps ( handshake_dir )
def on_handshake ( self , agent , filename , access_point , client_station ) :
with self . lock :
handshake_status = [ ]
fullpathNoExt = filename . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
name = filename . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .2500 ' ) :
handshake_status . append ( ' Already have {} .2500 (EAPOL) ' . format ( name ) )
elif self . _writeEAPOL ( filename ) :
handshake_status . append ( ' Created {} .2500 (EAPOL) from pcap ' . format ( name ) )
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .16800 ' ) :
handshake_status . append ( ' Already have {} .16800 (PMKID) ' . format ( name ) )
elif self . _writePMKID ( filename , access_point ) :
handshake_status . append ( ' Created {} .16800 (PMKID) from pcap ' . format ( name ) )
if handshake_status :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Good news: \n \t ' + ' \n \t ' . join ( handshake_status ) )
def _writeEAPOL ( self , fullpath ) :
fullpathNoExt = fullpath . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
filename = fullpath . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
result = subprocess . getoutput ( ' hcxpcaptool -o {} .2500 {} >/dev/null 2>&1 ' . format ( fullpathNoExt , fullpath ) )
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .2500 ' ) :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] [+] EAPOL Success: {} .2500 created ' . format ( filename ) )
return True
else :
return False
def _writePMKID ( self , fullpath , apJSON ) :
fullpathNoExt = fullpath . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
filename = fullpath . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
result = subprocess . getoutput ( ' hcxpcaptool -k {} .16800 {} >/dev/null 2>&1 ' . format ( fullpathNoExt , fullpath ) )
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .16800 ' ) :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] [+] PMKID Success: {} .16800 created ' . format ( filename ) )
return True
else : #make a raw dump
result = subprocess . getoutput ( ' hcxpcaptool -K {} .16800 {} >/dev/null 2>&1 ' . format ( fullpathNoExt , fullpath ) )
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .16800 ' ) :
if self . _repairPMKID ( fullpath , apJSON ) == False :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] [-] PMKID Fail: {} .16800 could not be repaired ' . format ( filename ) )
return False
else :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] [+] PMKID Success: {} .16800 repaired ' . format ( filename ) )
return True
else :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] [-] Could not attempt repair of {} as no raw PMKID file was created ' . format ( filename ) )
return False
def _repairPMKID ( self , fullpath , apJSON ) :
hashString = " "
clientString = [ ]
fullpathNoExt = fullpath . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
filename = fullpath . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] Repairing {} ' . format ( filename ) )
with open ( fullpathNoExt + ' .16800 ' , ' r ' ) as tempFileA :
hashString = tempFileA . read ( )
if apJSON != " " :
clientString . append ( ' {} : {} ' . format ( apJSON [ ' mac ' ] . replace ( ' : ' , ' ' ) , apJSON [ ' hostname ' ] . encode ( ' hex ' ) ) )
else :
#attempt to extract the AP's name via hcxpcaptool
result = subprocess . getoutput ( ' hcxpcaptool -X /tmp/ {} {} >/dev/null 2>&1 ' . format ( filename , fullpath ) )
if os . path . isfile ( ' /tmp/ ' + filename ) :
with open ( ' /tmp/ ' + filename , ' r ' ) as tempFileB :
temp = tempFileB . read ( ) . splitlines ( )
for line in temp :
clientString . append ( line . split ( ' : ' ) [ 0 ] + ' : ' + line . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] . strip ( ' \n ' ) . encode ( ) . hex ( ) )
os . remove ( ' /tmp/ {} ' . format ( filename ) )
#attempt to extract the AP's name via tcpdump
tcpCatOut = subprocess . check_output ( " tcpdump -ennr " + fullpath + " \" (type mgt subtype beacon) || (type mgt subtype probe-resp) || (type mgt subtype reassoc-resp) || (type mgt subtype assoc-req) \" 2>/dev/null | sed -E ' s/.*BSSID:([0-9a-fA-F:] {17} ).* \\ ((.*) \\ ).*/ \\ 1 \t \\ 2/g ' " , shell = True ) . decode ( ' utf-8 ' )
if " : " in tcpCatOut :
for i in tcpCatOut . split ( ' \n ' ) :
if " : " in i :
clientString . append ( i . split ( ' \t ' ) [ 0 ] . replace ( ' : ' , ' ' ) + ' : ' + i . split ( ' \t ' ) [ 1 ] . strip ( ' \n ' ) . encode ( ) . hex ( ) )
if clientString :
for line in clientString :
if line . split ( ' : ' ) [ 0 ] == hashString . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] : #if the AP MAC pulled from the JSON or tcpdump output matches the AP MAC in the raw 16800 output
hashString = hashString . strip ( ' \n ' ) + ' : ' + ( line . split ( ' : ' ) [ 1 ] )
if ( len ( hashString . split ( ' : ' ) ) == 4 ) and not ( hashString . endswith ( ' : ' ) ) :
with open ( fullpath . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] + ' .16800 ' , ' w ' ) as tempFileC :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] Repaired: {} ( {} ) ' . format ( filename , hashString ) )
tempFileC . write ( hashString + ' \n ' )
return True
else :
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] Discarded: {} {} ' . format ( line , hashString ) )
else :
os . remove ( fullpath . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ] + ' .16800 ' )
return False
def _process_stale_pcaps ( self , handshake_dir ) :
handshakes_list = [ os . path . join ( handshake_dir , filename ) for filename in os . listdir ( handshake_dir ) if filename . endswith ( ' .pcap ' ) ]
failed_jobs = [ ]
successful_jobs = [ ]
lonely_pcaps = [ ]
for num , handshake in enumerate ( handshakes_list ) :
fullpathNoExt = handshake . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
pcapFileName = handshake . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ]
if not os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .2500 ' ) : #if no 2500, try
if self . _writeEAPOL ( handshake ) :
successful_jobs . append ( ' 2500: ' + pcapFileName )
else :
failed_jobs . append ( ' 2500: ' + pcapFileName )
if not os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .16800 ' ) : #if no 16800, try
if self . _writePMKID ( handshake , " " ) :
successful_jobs . append ( ' 16800: ' + pcapFileName )
else :
failed_jobs . append ( ' 16800: ' + pcapFileName )
if not os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .2500 ' ) : #if no 16800 AND no 2500
lonely_pcaps . append ( handshake )
logging . debug ( ' [hashie] Batch job: added {} to lonely list ' . format ( pcapFileName ) )
if ( ( num + 1 ) % 50 == 0 ) or ( num + 1 == len ( handshakes_list ) ) : #report progress every 50, or when done
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Batch job: {} / {} done ( {} fails) ' . format ( num + 1 , len ( handshakes_list ) , len ( lonely_pcaps ) ) )
if successful_jobs :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Batch job: {} new handshake files created ' . format ( len ( successful_jobs ) ) )
if lonely_pcaps :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Batch job: {} networks without enough packets to create a hash ' . format ( len ( lonely_pcaps ) ) )
self . _getLocations ( lonely_pcaps )
def _getLocations ( self , lonely_pcaps ) :
#export a file for webgpsmap to load
with open ( ' /root/.incompletePcaps ' , ' w ' ) as isIncomplete :
count = 0
for pcapFile in lonely_pcaps :
filename = pcapFile . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] #keep extension
fullpathNoExt = pcapFile . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
isIncomplete . write ( filename + ' \n ' )
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .gps.json ' ) or os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .geo.json ' ) or os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .paw-gps.json ' ) :
count + = 1
if count != 0 :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Used {} GPS/GEO/PAW-GPS files to find lonely networks, go check webgpsmap! ;) ' . format ( str ( count ) ) )
else :
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Could not find any GPS/GEO/PAW-GPS files for the lonely networks ' . format ( str ( count ) ) )
def _getLocationsCSV ( self , lonely_pcaps ) :
#in case we need this later, export locations manually to CSV file, needs try/catch/paw-gps format/etc.
locations = [ ]
for pcapFile in lonely_pcaps :
filename = pcapFile . split ( ' / ' ) [ - 1 : ] [ 0 ] . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
fullpathNoExt = pcapFile . split ( ' . ' ) [ 0 ]
if os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .gps.json ' ) :
with open ( fullpathNoExt + ' .gps.json ' , ' r ' ) as tempFileA :
data = json . load ( tempFileA )
locations . append ( filename + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' Latitude ' ] ) + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' Longitude ' ] ) + ' ,50 ' )
elif os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .geo.json ' ) :
with open ( fullpathNoExt + ' .geo.json ' , ' r ' ) as tempFileB :
data = json . load ( tempFileB )
locations . append ( filename + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' location ' ] [ ' lat ' ] ) + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' location ' ] [ ' lng ' ] ) + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' accuracy ' ] ) )
elif os . path . isfile ( fullpathNoExt + ' .paw-gps.json ' ) :
with open ( fullpathNoExt + ' .paw-gps.json ' , ' r ' ) as tempFileC :
data = json . load ( tempFileC )
locations . append ( filename + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' lat ' ] ) + ' , ' + str ( data [ ' long ' ] ) + ' ,50 ' )
if locations :
with open ( ' /root/locations.csv ' , ' w ' ) as tempFileD :
for loc in locations :
tempFileD . write ( loc + ' \n ' )
logging . info ( ' [hashie] Used {} GPS/GEO files to find lonely networks, load /root/locations.csv into a mapping app and go say hi! ' . format ( len ( locations ) ) )